Freedom in Christ

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Week 5 Day 23

When we talk about freedom in Christ, what do we mean? The freedom we have in Christ is freedom from the Law. Scripture is clear that the law (having a list of do’s and don’ts) leads to more sin and eventually death. I want us to look at a scenario and see how our focus really impacts whether we are in freedom or not.

I have shared with you that I have struggled with my weight since I was a child. There have been so many different programs I have followed and yet, there has not been victory. One has had me counting calories and writing down all that I eat. My focus was on what I could and could not eat. Much of my time was spent thinking I cannot have what I enjoy, and I must punish myself for all the times I over ate. It depresses me. I find that I am not walking in joy. When I “slip” up and eat something that is forbidden I usually pull out the club of condemnation. It spirals out of control and I end up quitting, feeling like a failure, and doubting that I will ever see victory. This is what happens when I focus of the “law” of what to eat. It leads to death.

What I have been learning about freedom in Christ is so different. It has dawned on me that I have the freedom not to eat something. This cake that someone is offering has no power over me and that I can simply say no thank you. No longer am I focusing on food, but on a relationship with the Holy Spirit. I find that I talk to Him about what I am feeling and why I want to eat something that may be permitted but not beneficial for me. Once I pour out what I am feeling, often the desire to eat sweets is gone. When I do go ahead and eat something when my body is not calling for food, I no longer beat myself with that ugly club of condemnation. I simply talk to Holy Spirit and feel His love and cleansing power at work in my soul. This is life giving and true freedom.

What is an area where you want to see His freedom? We thrive when we renew our minds to all that He has freed us from. We no longer must worry that we are breaking the rules. The things that we thought once had extreme power are powerless over us. I no longer live under a cloud of condemnation, and this frees my soul. I know that there is nothing I will do to lose God’s love. There is not anything that I need to feel shame over and hide from Him. That is thriving!


Be blessed!

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